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Congratulations Dr. James McLellan for achieving the NSERC CREATE Grant (1.6M)


Open Plastic Co-leader Dr. James McLellan is awarded $1.6M funding from the federal government's Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program. This program will provide highly qualified students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty the research training and technical skills to advance science and enter the workforce in fields related to cleantech PLASTICS. It builds on the successful Genome Canada-funded Open Plastic major project initiative led by Queen's researchers. HQP will be exposed to a wide range of stakeholders from industry to municipal government, alongside a team of international researchers. Through these relationships they will learn more about evolving policies and innovations around plastic recycling and participate in internships and experiential opportunities in the environmental sector.

Congratulation Dr. McLellan for achieving this highly competitive grant in the first round!

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